An Ultimate Guide to Developing a Positive Cat Behavior

Maryam Shaikh
3 min readApr 5, 2022


Photo by Karina Vorozheeva on Unsplash

If you are thinking of bringing a cat into your family or having problems training your feline friend, this article will be helpful for you either way.

Training a kitten is different from training a dog. Behavioral problems in cats are common and can be treated with few techniques. Cats are seemingly not very social as compared to dogs. Coaching your cat could be fun if done in the right way and more effective if started as early as it could be.

You just need to take care of a few tips to raise and train your kitten. And you won’t be disappointed to see them developing positive and friendly behavior.

Be Patient And Consistent

Photo by Jonas Vincent on Unsplash

You have to be patient with your cat during training. It could take time and effort to bring a change in her behavior. It often takes time because cats seem less responsive and more independent, so you need to be consistent in your methods.

Habits like scratching, biting, aggressiveness, and avoiding the litter box, can be treated with patience, a positive attitude, and reward strategies.

This kitten training will not only develop the bond between you two but will also help to keep their mind and body active. And your kitten will grow up to be a more friendly and socialized pet.

No Punishment

Your positive reinforcement will lead to positive behavior in your cat. Yelling and startling your cat can only cause more trouble. It could make your cat stressed and frightened and increase its behavioral and health problems.

Making your cat a disciplined pet would be absolutely a bad idea. Use creative strategies to discourage unpleasant behavior rather than punishment. It could also destroy your relationship with your pet. Using a reward for her good behavior will also help to replace the bad habits.

Rewards And Treats

Photo by hang niu on Unsplash

Rewarding your cat for positive behavior will encourage her to build desired habits. Use a clicker or voice command while giving her a treat so that she can relate the rewards with her positive behavior.

Offering a reward is crucial in training for building positive habits in your cat.

Help her understand that her positive habits can make you happy, and unpleasant ones upset you.

Socialize your pet

Develop the socialization skills of your cat by interacting with other cats. Introduce your cat to your guests and help her become more friendly with others.

Use a leash and take her with you to the market sometimes, or just for walking. If you don’t make her accustomed to a different environment, she will get nervous and frightened of a little change around her.

Final Words

Your cute little furball is more enjoyable if it shows positive and pleasant behavior. A few strategies done in the right way could bring a positive change. Make a routine to develop positive habits and be persistent. Express love to get your pet more involved in the activities and your cat will turn out more friendly.

Well, your teaching and training techniques can also increase the healthy and loving relationship with your cat. And keep them energetic and healthy.

